The Goal

Our Campaign, Waasa-Inaabidaa (Ojibwe) | Awaƞuƞniyaƞkapi (Dakota) for "We look in all directions" responds to the needs of the times.

NACC has already secured $7.4 million toward its Comprehensive Campaign goal.  

We invite you to walk with us as we vision a future that best meets the emerging needs of our community.

We are in conversations with our relatives who have expertise in community planning and development to help us have a state of the art culturally responsive healthcare and housing complex.  We’re are connecting with our corporate healthcare, philanthropic, public and private funding partners to ensure the success of our community development and expansion plan.

NACC is also building momentum with the support of individual donors like you!

Over the past year, NACC has tripled gifts from individuals who understand the importance of supporting BIPOC lead organizations who are and have been meeting the needs of their community - listening, responding and reimagining the ways in which we all serve one another in times of crisis and times of resilience.

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