COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Update

Our mission is to serve the health and wellness needs of our community.  The health and safety of patients and staff is central to that mission— we want to provide an update on the steps we are taking to help maintain the safety of the NACC community.

NACC follows direction from the Centers for Disease Control and the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines and protocols to stop the spread of COVID-19. The strategies will support all of us to be more prepared to address the ongoing spread of COVID-19 here in Minnesota.

What NACC Is Doing:

  • Implementing clinical protocols and guidelines in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Minnesota Department Health’s changing guidelines.

  • Screening and triaging all patients entering into the clinic. You may have your temperature checked and you will be asked if you have a cough or fever before entering the building.

  • Providing separate entrances for patients with preventive and acute care needs.

  • Cancelling our Saturday hours, closing between 12:45pm-1:45pm for lunch, and closing at 5pm Monday-Friday due to limited staffing.

  • Treating and caring for those with an underlying health condition or who are at-risk for COVID-19 via phone or video if possible.

  • Rescheduling some preventive care appointments to prevent any exposure to COVID-19.

  • Closing our dental clinic and referring out for emergency dental procedures.

  • Updating our website with information to help you understand COVID -19 and what you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your community.

  • Actively taking steps to protect staff to ensure availability and their health and safety. Pausing on community outreach

This is a difficult time that we will get through together. It is a time in which we must take care of ourselves and our families— I see everyday how our staff comforts their fellow employees and the community at large. Let’s all aspire to be good relatives: be patient, kind, focused and aware of the world around us and the needs of others. If there is anything that you need, do not hesitate to let us know. Wishing you all continued health and well-being!

Dr. Antony Stately 


Gregg Harrison