A Message from our President/Executive Officer

Hau Mitakeyapi! Boozhoo Relatives!

A core value and practice of the Native American Community Clinic is to show up as the best relative that we can be to one another and to the community we serve. Underlying the principle of being a good relative is remembering the unborn 7th Generation: Decisions and actions we take today must protect the wellbeing of the group and ensure the protection of our future generations. Each and every one of us are the embodiment of the 7th Generation. We stand here today because those who came before us took steps to ensure that we would be here. Today, we must make the same commitment!

With the re-emergence of a “fourth wave” of COVID-19 infection that places many of our community members at significant threat of infection, illness and death – each and every one of us holds a responsibility to adhere to this practice. Among our most vulnerable are our elders and our children – many of whom cannot get vaccinated for their own protection – either because they have immune-suppression or the vaccine is not available to them. In situations as critical as this, we have a fundamental responsibility as good relatives and as healthcare providers to do our part to ensure that we are protecting the most vulnerable.

Approximately 90% of our existing staff and all new hires have already been vaccinated for COVID19. From this moment forward, NACC will require all health center staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to remain working both in our facility and in the community.

Wopida and Chi-Miigwech,

Dr. Antony Stately

President/Executive Officer

Ashlee Jallen