NACC Week of 06/12/23

Morning Huddle: Every Tuesday and Thursday

!!Staff Shoutouts!!

  • Shoutout to Shawn for her persistence and attention to detail! I am so thankful for all her hard work and dedication to resolving issues for our clients!

  • Julie Waller did a great job this week especially being the only nurse for 2 days. She is an amazing nurse! Keep it up!

  • Shout out to Henry for all the work you have done over the past eight months. NACC and the Patient Advocate Team were lucky to have you—not only for your dedication or amazing translation skills or enthusiasm for climbing all the highest snow piles in the parking lot, but your kindness, professionalism, and overall loveliness. We will miss you! Good luck in medical school! ♥

  • Huge shout-out to Daisy Galbreath for being the awesome MA /person she is!!! You will be missed!! Safe travels on all your adventures

June NACCaversaries:

  • Crystal Milan:  5 years

  • Dustin Larson:  2 Years

  • Matt Heald: 2 Years

  • Michael Wilson: 1 Year

  • Ahshya Morris: 1 Year

  • Eva Collier: 1 Year

All Staff Updates this Week

  • Pizza boxes: Are not recyclable in Minneapolis. Please put in trash and not recycling.

  • Animal Therapy in DT:

    • 6/14; 6/20

Operations + IT + Traditional healing

  • Johanna is out of office: 6/5-6/15. Contact Ashlee with any questions.

  • Sara (IT) Cell Phone: 612-946-0544/ Johanna IT phone 612-476-2018 (on vocera “Call IT” ) Johanna provides IT support for late afternoons.

  • Nicky (Facilities): 612-201-9786

  • Travis’ Cell Phone: (763) 760-9983

  • Security coverage (including Travis):

    • Mon: 9 am - 6 pm

    • Tues: 9 am - 6 pm

    • Wed: 9 am - 6 pm

    • Thur: 9 am - 7 pm

    • Fri: 9 am - 6 pm

    • Sat: 10 am - 2 pm

Patient advocates + Transportation .

  • Equine Therapy Dates (Ashley not available for rides): 6/22; 7/6; 7/20; 8/3; 8/18; 8/31; 9/7

  • Cally will be out the afternoon of Thursday, 6/15, and Friday, 6/16.

  • Henry’s last day at NACC is Friday, 6/16.

New Staff

Upcoming Events + Meetings + Groups + Risk Management Trainings

Risk Management: Area of Focus

  • Incident tracker : Log workplace events/ issues in the incident tracker

  • Employee Suggestion Box

  • Vocera:

    • Wear it everyday

    • Summon the genie with a push of the button

    • Call [person]

      • first name, last initial

      • First name, department

    • Broadcast

      • To department

      • To Dr Strong: Communicate location / situation

    • Panic: Red Button, broadcasts to all: Communicate location / situation

  • Email Tips

    • NEVER CLICK ON LINKS FROM an email unless you have checked and confirmed with the sender that the link is legit. Text me if you have a question.

    • Never send any information or patient data to anyone without confirming both the email name and the email address the message was sent from.

    • Email Encryption: Please do it when sending emails with PHI or PII

outpatient Behavioral Health

  • BH has 2 half hour same day appointments each day with rotating providers throughout the week. Same day appointments operate on a first come first served basis and may be in person or virtual depending on the day. These must be scheduled by BH.

  • To schedule elder/spiritual care: call the BH front desk OR enter a request in referral tracker for BH to follow up with clients

  • Behavioral Health Home referrals (for patients who need long term behavioral health supports) Should be placed through orders, please contact Molly at or 612-476-2017.

Groups: call BH front desk to get clients registered: 612-843-5981

  • Tending to our hearts and souls (Grief and Loss) - Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Kirsten Farmer

  • Diabetes Management Group - Thursdays from 10:00 am-11:00 am – with Laurie App.

  • Women’s Trauma Healing Group in Behavioral Health.  Meeting via zoom on Wednesdays at 2pm starting on 11/2. Please call BH with questions. 


  • Dental open normal hours.

  • Eastside clinic in St. Paul takes walk-ins 8:30-3 M-F for emergencies


  • Weekly syringe clean-up around the neighborhood every Wednesday at 2 PM. All staff are invited to join. James and Tina will be the main contacts for this weekly event.

  • HIV Testing Event in Hinterland every Monday from 11 am -2 pm

  • Outreach at Avivo Village every other Thursday afternoon from 2pm-4pm

  • Street outreach every Thursday at encampments

  • Every 2nd Tuesday we join Southside HRS popup on Cedar

  • NACC staff are welcome to grab syringe or narcan kits from the DT harm reduction space. When taking supplies, please write down number of kits, type of kit, and date they are taking on White Board in back of DT.

Ashlee Jallen