NACC Week of 6/21/21

!!Staff Shoutouts!!

  • NACC leadership team for being ahead of the curve on recognizing Juneteenth Holiday

All Staff Updates this week

  • MA, registration, nurses, provider meeting Tuesday AM: Check in on Coleman implementation (cherries and pits)

  • Visualutions migration is ongoing- continue to expect some technical glitches. email or text zach, gregg, shannon for urgent issues.

  • The Centricity environment will be inaccessible the weekend of 6/25 at 6pm through Monday morning.

  • MedTrainer trainings must be up-to-date. Please complete these in downtime. Look for emails from HR on missing training in the coming days/weeks

  • Racial Equity will be meeting on Wednesday (6/23) at 1 pm. All are welcome. Email Ashlee for Zoom invite.

  • Employee fridges in the breakroom will be cleaned out every Friday at 3 pm. Reminder: Please label and date your food.

Screening schedule for this week (AM, PM)

  • Monday: Dental, Sam

  • Tuesday: Registration teams

  • Wednesday: Registration teams

  • Thursday: Lacey, MA (rotating)

  • Friday: Registration teams

Behavioral Health


  • BH appt zoom room has moved to BH clinic- please send patients to suite 103 in the Ancient

    Trader’s building if they need a zoom connection

  • BH registration is scheduling appointments - call BH front desk at 612-843-5981to see if any same days are available

  • BH has limited in person appointments, with rotating providers in each day. The majority of individual appointments and all groups continue to be on telehealth

  • Behavioral Health Home referrals (for patients who need long term behavioral health supports) Should be placed through orders. Please call Erin at 612-843-5994 when making these referrals.

  • Tim and Todd have expanded availability for ADHD testing. Please place referral for NACC ADHD Testing in orders and ask patients to complete ADHD forms at our website:

Groups: call BH front desk to get clients registered: 612-843-5981

  • Mind body medicine group: Adults 830am-1030am starts this week. 8-10week group and clients get a 25 gift card for every session. Adults 18+

  • Growing healthily habits (pre teens and teens) Wednesday 1130-1pm starts next week Starts over zoom , weather dependent referrals to Jessica Thurin.

  • Diabetes management group- Thursday at 8:30- Alicia

  • Mental Health PPE- coping in a pandemic- Fridays at 8:30- Alicia and Erin

  • Teen Anxiety group- ages 13-18- Thursdays at 3:00- Lorissa and Nicole

  • Pandemic support group- Friday’s 8:30am-10am Alicia’s Zoom: 476-834-3018

  • Mom’s Group- for pregnant moms, parents and caregivers of children ages 0-2 starting May 20 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Donna and Christine

  • Tending to our hearts and souls - Tuesdays (starting June 8th) from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm - Christine


  • Patients in clinic this week!


  • Every other Wednesday, Outreach will be joining Southside and IPTF as we go to Kimball Court to do outreach.

  • Every Thursday afternoon, outreach connects with different camps in the area.

  • HIV / HEP-C testing (with COVID vaccines) event in Dollar tree Monday

Patient advocates + Transportation

  • Patient Advocate team in clinic this week (outreach times above)

COVID Vaccine clinic

  • COVID testing on Tuesday in DT

  • COVID vaccines on Wednesday in DT

New Staff

  • Skyle Schwartz, Scribe (take 2)

Policy + Procedure Updates

  • Coleman recommendation implementation check in next week.

  • Managers: policies in your court are due for review. See Ashlee with questions.

  • Traditional Healing:

    • We are out of sage bundles until harvesting season (late summer). Smudge sticks are available upon request. Please contact Anita (

    • Reminder that if departments are in need of more medicines to email with the reques

Upcoming Events + Meetings + Groups + Risk Management Trainings


    • Renee and Cristina Drop in group at Mino B: Friday’s at 2 pm. For Women (18+) at the Mino – Bimaadiziwin (Red Lake Building) 2115 Cedar Avenue S.

    • Ribbon skirt event 7/13 -7/15, Patients apply here:

    • Ribbon shirt event 7/20-7/22, Patients apply here:

    • Saturday clinic: Returns 8/14

    • Mammo Day: 8/19


    • 6/15: Provider meeting

    • 6/22: All medical meeting: Colman check-in (what is working, areas for improvement)

    • 6/29: Seven grandfather teachings series continues

    • Saturday clinic: Returns 8/14

    • Workout Wednesday every Wednesday at 4 pm via Zoom. Join here:

      • Please contact Jessica Thurin if you have any questions


    • Optional morning prayer 835am

    • All organization update at 835am Tuesday + Thursday after prayer (dealers choice)

    • Medical meetings Tuesday at 835am

Risk Management: Area of Focus

ADP + Staff Resources

Gregg Harrison