NACC Week of 7/19/21
!!Staff Shoutouts!!
Tela Amyotte for 7 years at NACC!
All Staff Updates this week
COVID Testing at Bii Gii Wiin Tuesday morning at 8am
Indigenous Health Toolkit for providers and nurses Tuesday at 8am
Medication Management toolkit training for providers and nurses Tuesday 9-930am
Outreach at Avivo Village Thursday afternoon
Child tax credit now available for those who qualify , visit the IRS site with questions
Ribbon shirt event 7/20-7/22
CHW available (Jen) to help connect patients to culturally appropriate health resources and to give guidance about health behaviors (see Moriah with questions) In clinic Thursdays and available be Telehealth during the week.
Advanced directives info is now located on the Information Drive>Social Service Resources>End of Life Resources.
Screening schedule for this week (AM, PM)
Monday: TBD/ Sam
Tuesday: Registration teams
Wednesday: Registration teams
Thursday: Lacey, MA (rotating)
Friday: Registration teams
Behavioral Health
BH appt zoom room has moved to BH clinic- please send patients to suite 103 in the Ancient
Trader’s building if they need a zoom connection
BH registration is scheduling appointments - call BH front desk at 612-843-5981to see if any same days are available
BH has limited in person appointments, with rotating providers in each day. The majority of individual appointments and all groups continue to be on telehealth
Behavioral Health Home referrals (for patients who need long term behavioral health supports) Should be placed through orders. Please call Erin at 612-843-5994 when making these referrals.
Tim and Todd have expanded availability for ADHD testing. Please place referral for NACC ADHD Testing in orders and ask patients to complete ADHD forms at our website:
Groups: call BH front desk to get clients registered: 612-843-5981
Mind body medicine group: Adults 830am-1030am starts this week. 8-10week group and clients get a 25 gift card for every session. Adults 18+
Growing healthily habits (pre teens and teens) Wednesday 1130-1pm starts next week Starts over zoom , weather dependent referrals to Jessica Thurin.
Diabetes management group- Thursday at 8:30- Alicia
Mental Health PPE- coping in a pandemic- Fridays at 8:30- Alicia and Erin
Pandemic support group- Friday’s 8:30am-10am Alicia’s Zoom: 476-834-3018
Mom’s Group- for pregnant moms, parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 starting May 20 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Donna and Christine
Tending to our hearts and souls - Tuesdays (starting June 8th) from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm - Christine
Dr. Pietig returns to clinic as interim dental director!
Patients in clinic this week
Every other Wednesday, Outreach will be joining Southside and IPTF as we go to Kimball Court to do outreach.
Every Thursday afternoon, outreach connects with different camps in the area.
HIV / HEP-C testing (with COVID vaccines) event in Dollar tree Monday
Outreach at Avivo Village begins 7/22.
Patient advocates + Transportation
Patient Advocate team in clinic this week (outreach times above)
COVID Vaccine clinic
COVID testing on Tuesday in DT
COVID vaccines on Wednesday in DT
Vaccines at Avivo Village July 15th
New Staff
Dr Emily Pietig returns as interim dental director
Policy + Procedure Updates
Managers: policies in your court are due for review. See Ashlee with questions.
Traditional Healing:
We are out of sage bundles until harvesting season (late summer). Smudge sticks are available upon request. Please contact Anita (
Reminder that if departments are in need of more medicines to email with the reques
Upcoming Events + Meetings + Groups + Risk Management Trainings
Renee and Cristina Drop in group at Mino B: Friday’s at 2 pm. For Women (18+) at the Mino – Bimaadiziwin (Red Lake Building) 2115 Cedar Avenue S.
Ribbon shirt event 7/20-7/22, Patients apply here:
Saturday clinic: Returns 8/14
Mammo Day: 8/19
Kids Day: Friday, August 27th- To be eligible for backpack and entry to event, patient must be up to date on WCC and immunizations.A working list of eligible patients will be kept on the waiting list function in Centricity named : “Back to School program”
7/27: All-Staff Zoom: Operations + NACC Processes Overview
Saturday clinic: Returns 8/14
Indigenous Health Toolkit Trainings for provider team from 8am-9am on the following dates
July 20th: Social Justice orients learners to power dynamics and provides a common framework for understanding adversity.
August 3rd: Cultural Empathy engages learners in self-reflection on how one might fit into this work. Together these modules provide a basis for which to build skills for working with IP more specifically. The next two modules provide insights into the current state of health.
August 17th: Indigenous History of Colonization and Resilience allows learners to see the diversity and strength while pointing out commonalities in how colonization persistently threatened and sought to erase culture
August 31st: The Effects of Colonization: Historical Trauma, Inequity, and Health Disparities examines how history shapes current disparities and has had an intergenerational impact on IP. The toolkit concludes by promoting healing and positive change for clients
September 14th: Indigenous Culture and Healing Practices recognizes Indigenous knowledge systems and how to collaborate with client to improve health, such as through work with traditional healers or embracing culture lifeways in preventative healthcare
September 28th: Indigenous Health Equity, The Indigenous Patient-Provider Relationship focuses on the providers role in providing cultural safety and proposes models for clinical care using a more holistic, Indigenous focused lens
October 12th: Decolonization of Health Systems, addresses the need for change on a systemic level and imagines culturally safe and decolonized care environments, offering tools to advocate for patients on systems levels
Workout Wednesday every Wednesday at 4 pm via Zoom. Join here:
Please contact Jessica Thurin if you have any questions
Risk Management: Area of Focus
New travel: Still in effect. Please talk to Gregg, ShaNay, Dr Rabie with questions or if you plan to travel
Reminder to log workplace events/ issues in the incident tracker- come to me or ShaNay with questions
ADP + Staff Resources
Open Jobs at NACC
ECHO project coordinator (on hold)
Advanced Dental Therapist