NACC Week of 10/17/22
Morning Huddle: Every Tuesday and Thursday
!!Staff Shoutouts!!
Happy National MA week to our incredible MA team! We are so grateful to our MA team for all they do to service our patients and the medical clinic here at NACC. Thank you for being such an amazing part of the NACC family. Please join us in thanking them for their service and care to the community and for all their hard work.
Shout-out to Simone for covering MAT/Dosing and IOP. She hustles for both programs.
Shout-out to Rekha and Cristina for tending the Medicine Garden throughout the growing season, including on the weekends. Their care has helped provide a bountiful harvest.
October NACCaversaries:
Kelly: 7 years
Vanessa C. - 5 years
Donna L. - 4 years
Taryn S. - 3 years
Erin H. - 1 year
All Staff Updates this Week
Parking lot updates
Petty crime - be on the lookout
Indigenous Pink Day (Breast Cancer Awareness) on Thursday - Staff are encouraged to wear PINK!
Operations + IT + Traditional healing
Travis’ Cell Phone: (763) 760-9983
Travis hours during construction:
Mon: 10 am - 6 pm
Tues: 11 am - 4 pm
Wed: 11 am - 4 pm
Thur: 2 pm - 6 pm
Fri: 2 pm - 6 pm
Sat: 10 am - 2 pm
Patient advocates + Transportation
Ashley will be on PTO Friday Oct 14th-Friday Oct 21st. Returning back to work Monday Oct 24th. Ashley will set up med rides for the week out of office.
Shawn B will be out 10/20-10/24.
Please welcome Henry as our newest member of the Patient Advocate Team!
MNsure Open Enrollment Kick-Off event on November 7th. Looking for staff only donations of coats, boots, and other winter gear for both kids and adults. Click here to view donation list.
Cell Phone Policy (see Risk Management section for details)
New Staff
Emma Young - Harm Reduction Educator
Stephen Anywaush - Registration Coordinator
Henry Baer-Benson - Patient Advocate
Upcoming Events + Meetings + Groups + Risk Management Trainings
Food Preservation Workshop: October 19th
Indigenous Pink Day: October 20th
Diabetes Breakfast October 27th
Cedar Ceremony: October 27th Location change to MAIC
MNsure Open Enrollment Kick-Off event on November 7th. Looking for staff only donations of coats, boots, and other winter gear for both kids and adults. Click here to view donation list.
Workout Wednesday: 1:30 pm to 1:45 pm in Dollar Tree
Halloween at NACC: 10/31
Gift Card Programs for Patients
$15 Aldi for breast, cervical, colorectal cancer screening - Contact Moriah for more information
Harm Reduction volunteers: Visa gift cards are available for individuals interested in volunteering with the harm reduction team. This includes building kits and receiving harm reduction education/conversation and some events. Contact James or Tina for more information
Linkage to Care (L2C) gift cards: $25 Target to be given at completion of appointment (of any kind) by provider/support staff. Patient must present their L2C voucher with staff initials and date on it. Limit one voucher per person every three months (tracked by Nikki and Tina), unless otherwise specified by care team. Point people are Tina Monje and Nikki Giardina. If Tina and Nikki are not around, go to Moriah (last resort).
HIV/HCV Testing: Participants who come for Monday’s Testing event receive $10 Target card for completing HIV testing, and $10 Target card for completing HCV testing. Participant receives gift card(s) after results are delivered. Point people are James Schmidt, Chyna Pfeifer, Tina Monje
COVID Vaccine Gift cards (DO NO PUBLICIZE): Amount of visa gift card depends on eligibility verified in MIIC - $100 for first COVID vaccine, and $50 for subsequent doses. Dispersed by Nikki Giardina, RN, ONLY during designated events including Monday Testing in Hinterland from 11:30am-2pm, and during offsite outreach events to outreach participants. Point person is Nikki Giardina, RN.
Harm Reduction Group (Tuesdays 3pm @ Mino-B Wellness Clinic) has $5 Target Gift Card incentives for attending group. 1 card per person per group attendance. Point Person: Chyna Pfeifer
OB Patients: 1 $25 gift card for OB patients completing their Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (done at 2nd trimester) and 1 $25 gift card once then complete postnatal/new born visit within 6 weeks of delivery. In summary OB patients can earn up to 2 $25 gift cards. Staff can reach out to Emmy, Kim, Moriah or Stacy with questions.
Risk Management: Area of Focus
Incident tracker : Log workplace events/ issues in the incident tracker
Sensitive Information on Teams:
We have a new policy related to the storage of sensitive information on Teams
The IT team is operationalizing the policy starting this week
Email Tips
NEVER CLICK ON LINKS FROM an email unless you have checked and confirmed with the sender that the link is legit. Text me if you have a question.
Never send any information or patient data to anyone without confirming both the email name and the email address the message was sent from.
Email Encryption: Please do it when sending emails with PHI or PII
Cell Phone Policy
NACC’s cell phone assistance program is available to patients/clients in the following NACC service areas:
Dosing Program
Referral process: The Dosing or MAT nurse initiates the phone request to the Dosing Intake Coordinator
Office-based MAT Program
Referral process: The MAT nurse initiates the phone request to the Patient Advocate team
HIV Program
Referral process: The Ryan White Case Manager initiates the phone request to the Patient Advocate team
Health Care Home Program (Tier 3-4 only)
Referral process: The nurse care coordinator initiates the phone request to the Patient Advocate team
Behavioral Health Home Program
Referral process: The Behavioral Health Care Home Coordinator initiates the phone request to the Patient Advocate team
Initial submission of MNsure application
Referral process: The Patient Advocate team determines eligibility and provides phone assistance
Coordinated Entry Assessments
Referral process: The Patient Advocate team determines eligibility and provides phone assistance
Other important information:
Eligible individuals may receive up to 2 phones per year.
Patients/clients who have received phone through NACC are eligible for one (1) 30-day/2 GB phone card each month. Cards are given out one month at a time.
NACC does not provide technical support for phones. Anyone discussing the potential for a phone to be distributed with a client/patient must communicate that NACC does not provide technical support or troubleshooting of phone issues.Behavioral Health
BH has 2 half hour same day appointments each day with rotating providers throughout the week. Same day appointments operate on a first come first served basis and may be in person or virtual depending on the day. These must be scheduled by BH.
To schedule elder/spiritual care: call the BH front desk OR enter a request in referral tracker for BH to follow up with clients
Behavioral Health Home referrals (for patients who need long term behavioral health supports) Should be placed through orders, please contact Molly at or 612-476-2017.
Groups: call BH front desk to get clients registered: 612-843-5981
Tending to our hearts and souls (Grief and Loss) - Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Kirsten Farmer
Diabetes Management Group - Thursdays from 10:00 am-11:00 am – with Laurie App.
Women’s Trauma Healing Group in Behavioral Health. Meeting via zoom on Wednesdays at 2pm starting on 11/2. Please call BH with questions.
BH Grants and Research
Youth Council Meeting on Wednesday September 28th, 6-7:30 pm. Please direct interested young people ages 12-20 to Naomi Anywaush . The council will engage in cultural, educational, and leadership activities and be advised by mentors, the Elder’s Council, and community leaders.
In September, we are kicking off programs at South High School—our pilot sit this school year. We will offer: (a) roundtable culturally-tailored psychoeducational groups for youth, (b) resiliency/trauma aware trainings for school staff and teachers, and (c) supports for youth victims of crime.
We have been building and strengthening partnerships with Center School and Little Earth to offer Natural Helpers, a culturally tailored suicide and substance use prevention program.
We applied for a No Cost Extension to continue work on the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) grant through September 2023. Liz Adams is working to begin piloting the Handle with Care (HWC) program at South High School hopefully this school year); HWC is a school-police partnership that notifies schools when youth have been a victim of crime or interacted with police, so schools can provide additional support if needed.
The Clinical Trials Network’s (CTN) research project on culturally centering medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is underway! Jared has been uploading data for the project and the CTN Working Group has been examining spiritual/cultural care services offered, their benefits to the community, and related needs. Thank you to this group for their input and dedication!
Dental open normal hours.
Eastside clinic in St. Paul takes walk-ins 8:30-3 M-F for emergencies
HIV Testing Event in Hinterland every Monday from 11 am -2 pm (paused/ or outside during construction)
Outreach at Avivo Village every other Thursday afternoon from 2pm-4pm
Street outreach every Thursday at encampments
Every 2nd Tuesday we join Southside HRS popup on Cedar
NACC staff are welcome to grab syringe or narcan kits from the DT harm reduction space. When taking supplies, please write down number of kits, type of kit, and date they are taking on White Board in back of DT.